
Vector Arts Animation

      Animation      We are a newbie to vector animations and amused by how such nice animations are done.  Animation is always time consuming no matter what you do. Software helps, but animation has a horribly high learning curve. Even animating by hand is not as time-consuming as you think, in context of animation always being time consuming.    Like this first one that me and my pair did, it was difficult animating the mouse to move it along with its feet. It was really time-consuming and not in our forte. Although, we were amused after seeing the 'frames' part of the animation. There we see the  sequence of discreet  frames  constitutes the output of our doings . Santos, Renzo Guile Arabia, Jean Alijandro N.

FDS Class Experience

         A new routine, same faces, another chapter with difficult obstacles. While suffering with anxiety of what may lie ahead, also enduring fear of being left out to every subject that I am about to tackle with. As a 20-year old man, I should be more passionate regarding my academic responsibilities but right now I'm feeling the opposite feeling as if I preferred to stay in the nothingness.  Setting aside this personal drama, my class experience for this subject isn't all fun for now. Although, I feel like I'm lacking, perhaps I really am missing something as I listen to my instruction's explanations and teachings regarding the subject. For now, my experience to this subject is not all that major. Afterall, I have so much time ahead and its also been two days. Watching the instructor discuss about database and its terminologies including the diagrams, I wanna learn more and also understood the topic even though I'm a slow learner when it comes to compli...